MSM 2023 Paul

Once Lost and Skeptical, Paul has Found the Way

Stories of Hope

Paul came to MorningStar Mission a lost man. Without God in his life, he could make little sense of day-to-day living. A relative told him about MorningStar. It was not an easy decision to come here, as he saw no value in knowing God, but he had nowhere else to go. He could see MorningStar wanted to help. So he set a goal, with their help, to find gainful employment and save money. He simply wanted to learn how to live day to day and be okay. While it was difficult, he persevered. He also attended Bible classes even though he didn’t see how they could help him.

As time went on, Paul’s attitude toward Christianity turned from indifference to curiosity. He began to pray and God became more real to him. Frequent prayers became daily, and Paul found peace coming to him as he gradually accepted that Jesus would take care of him. In time, he saw that Christ was leading his life. Faith was growing in him and fear was going away.

I really appreciate MorningStar Mission … Thank you for making it possible to have a place of support!

Paul admits that not every day is easy. “Faith is like waves in the ocean. Sometimes it is peaceful, other times it is difficult, and it takes patience to get my faith instilled.” Through the good days and bad, Paul continues to lean on Christ and pray. Today, Paul is working and saving money, just as he planned. What he didn’t plan on gaining was his new relationship with the Lord! Paul still prays constantly and is learning to trust his life into God’s hands. He looks forward to spending time with his son and showing him his new life.

Paul is thankful to the Lord for giving him peace and is also thankful for you! “I really appreciate MorningStar Mission and the care that is so very well organized. Thank you for making it possible to have a place of support!”

Thank you for caring about people like Paul. It is with your generosity that our doors stay open, and people find their way toward Christ.

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